For most of this course, I’m going to have you use a virtual machine running a light version of Linux. For the first project, you must do your development on this virtual machine, since parts of your exploit (namely: the starting address of the stack, and layout of functions) will depend on environment variables and size of the kernel.

Follow the download link posted on Piazza for the course. If you’re an onlooker and want the link, email me ( and I’ll send you a link.

The VM includes most of the tools (gcc, GDB, Make, etc..) you should need to be able to perform your work. I’ve also included a compiled copy of the EDB debugger, and a copy of the open-source reverse engineering toolkit radare2.

The link will give you an .ova file. You need to use VirtualBox to open and run the VM. To load the VM, go to File -> Import Appliance. Select the downloaded file and import it. The name of the VM should be 311test.

After that, you should see VirtualBox displaying something that looks like this:

You should then be able to click on start over 311test. This will open the machine, which runs linux. After that, the machine will boot up and allow you to log in.

The username for the machine is testvm, and the password is also testvm. You can change the password if you want, but the machine is running inside your user account, so there’s not much harm in keeping it that way. (I.e., it is no less secure than your user account on your computer, which is already guarded with a password.)

Logging In to the VM / doing your work

To log in to the VM, you can use the GUI. VirtualBox has several options for allowing you to use the virtual machine’s screen inside of your own computer. This is fine, but I recommend against it. Instead, I recommend you SSH into the VM from your local machine. This will allow you to use the terminal on your laptop to talk to the VM, which can then be minimized (i.e., you don’t have to see it, and it doesn’t take up space on your desktop). This allows you to do things like read the course webpage / project description as you work on your project.

You can SSH into the machine from your local machine by using port 2222. In other words, on my mac:

ssh testvm@localhost -p 2222
testvm@localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 17.10 (GNU/Linux 4.13.0-25-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

74 packages can be updated.
7 updates are security updates.

Last login: Mon Jan 22 16:19:59 2018 from

You can see that I start off on my laptop, and in the end I’m talking to the virtual machine. If I want to quit and go back to the terminal on my computer, I can just type exit.

If you use SSH on the machine and don’t care about having the GUI, you can turn off the machine’s GUI: This allows the VM to take up less memory so you have more available to do meaningful work.