Project 1G: Implementing a File Server
Project due date:
Caution! This code will be graded on the virtual machine for the course. If your code does not run on that virtual machine, you will not be counted as receiving credit.
In this project, you’ll implement a web application that serves and retrieves files. Part of this server was implemented in the previous project, but it didn’t actually do the work of storing files on disk and properly responding to HTTP requests.
This portion of the project is group work. During the course of this
project you are allowed access to all online resources, but you are
required to cite any resource that gave you any significant insight
into the project, including conversations you had with those outside
of your group. You will put these sources in
within this
This project consists of two broad parts: attacks and implementation. The attacks section will have you use ROP to get around the NX bit and defeat modern defenses. The implementation section will have you use defensive programming to implement the file server. You can choose to divvy up these tasks in whatever way makes sense for your group: you can all work on different parts, or work on each part together. But by the end of the project, every team member is responsible for understanding each part of the project (under penalty of not understanding well and then getting a bad grade on the exam). I recommend not getting stuck on one part, though, since they are logically independent.
Please respect the department’s collaboration policy. Specifically, you are not allowed to look at any other group’s code (or do anything equivalent, such as talking through your code on a line-by-line basis). You may discuss pseudo-code on the board, but afterwards you must erase it (so as to not let anyone else see it) and then cite your conversation with the other person in a comment in your code (and in the sources file). Within your group you may collaborate in whatever way you want.
If you get stuck, look at the hints / advice at the bottom of this guide.
Project Overview
The goal of this project is to teach you the following:
- Launching a ROP-based exploit that defeats ASLR, NX, and stack canaries
- Defensive Programming
- Writing an HTTP server in a native language
You should first obtain the starter files for this project, perform a
git clone
of this project’s repository:
git clone
The starter code is contained in a file server.c
. But in the later
part of the project, you’ll ditch that starter code and instead write
your own server using whatever libraries you want.
Collaboration Policy
Specific examples that extend the collaboration policy for this lab: Same as on Project 1I, except replace ever occurrence of “other students” with “other groups.” This is to say, you may say whatever you want to your groupmembers, but shouldn’t talk about low-level details and addresses with other groups. I was quite satisfied with the level of collaboration that happened on the last project, so keep it up.
In this part, we’ll be launching attacks against a security-hardened version of the server. Our server still contains vulnerabilities, but for this project ASLR will be turned on. I’ll also be turning on the NX bit, meaning you can’t inject code into the program and execute it.
Part 0: Exploiting ASLR
In this part, you should look carefully at the implementation of
and think about how you could get the server to return to
you the contents of the file /proc/self/maps
. This will allow you to
defeat ASLR since you’ll be able to learn the base address of certain
Deliverable: The function dump_proc_self_maps
. This function–when run–prints the contents of the
server’s /proc/self/maps
to the screen of the client. (I.e., if I
run it in python I should see the address on the server.)
Part 1: Mounting a Ret-to-libc attack
In this part, you’re just going to cause the server to shut down. This
is a denial of service
attack. You can’t inject code into the program to make it run exit
so instead you’ll have to reuse the function exit
, which is already
a part of glibc
. Find it and run that.
Deliverable: The function server_exit
. This
function–when run–causes the server to call exit
via a
return-to-libc attack.
Note that this will be run with ASLR turned on. This means that
you’ll have to parse the contents of /proc/self/maps
you get from
the previous part.
Note: In this version of server.c
, the echo
command has
changed slightly. Instead of the command being
echo hello
The new command is:
echo 5 hello
The format is echo NNNNN data
, where NNNNN
is a number of at most
five characters in length, followed by a space, followed by the
data. The number NNNNN
specifies how much data to grab from data
and put into string
. This makes it so that you can input binary data
into the buffer string
containing zeros.
Also note that the server prints out the socket being used, which will be helpful in subsequent parts.
Part 2: Finding ROP gadgets
In this part of the assignment, you’re going to use return-oriented-programming to write the secret key out to the socket so that the attacker gets it on the other end of the wire. Essentially, you want to effect this sequence
contains 1%rdi
contains the socket number (which you get from echo)%rsi
contains the base of the secret key (which you get from/proc/self/maps
contains the length of the secret key (which doesn’t really matter, just set it at something like 100)- Finally, call
To find gadgets, use the tool “Gadget Finder” in the EDB debugging toolkit. I have included a copy of EDB on the virtual machine for the class. For this part of the project, I recommend you either run the VM with its GUI, or use X forwarding to forward EDB to XQuartz.
The gadget finder is available in EDB under the graphical menu “Plugins -> ROPTool.” It has a number of configurations that allow you to select which parts of the code you want to search and which operations you want to find.
Remember that it might be the case that there is no such gadget that
simply moves 1 into %rax
. Instead, you might have to use a
combination of things (e.g., one that pops the top of the stack into
%rbx and then exchanges %bx
and %ax
Deliverable: the file rop_gadgets.txt
that lists the various
gadgets you will use for your attack and lists how you will weave them
Part 3: Executing the gadgets
Now actually execute the attack. This attack must work even with ASLR
turned on, meaning that you’ll have to construct the payload on the
fly after reading /proc/self/maps
Deliverable: the function rop
that performs a
ROP-based attack on the server to force it to dump the secret key.
Part 4: ROP with Stack Protection
The version of the server I gave you for this assignment still has
stack canaries turned off. This makes it possible to exploit the
stack-based buffer overflows in the server. However, assuming the
stack protector were turned on, it would be harder to launch this kind
of an attack. Change the server so that it is susceptible to a
ROP-based attack but also with the stack protector turned on. Clearly
(since the stack protector is on) you won’t be able to use a
stack-based buffer overflow (at least one of the form
Deliverable: a file server_exploitable_canaries.c
that is
exploitable with canaries turned on, and a description of how it would
be exploited (either as an attack via a Python function like the
previous parts, or a text-based description). Do your vulnerability
writeup in a file how_to_exploit_canaries.txt
and possibly link to
any functions that launch the exploit.
Defenses / Implementation
The second part of your project will be to implement an HTTP-based web app that acts as a file server and accepts HTTP verbs. Your file server will serve and store files on disc. In the next assignment, you will use this file server to store files (or you can throw it away and reimplement it in Python, using this project as a learning experience). During this part, you’ll also document different security-related problems you thought about in code and how you designed to confront them.
Along with your group, I recommend you read HTTP Made Really Easy. It doesn’t cover everything, but it covers enough to give you the gist.
For this project, you’ll be writing in any native language. I’ve
provided starter code in C. But you can choose to reimplement it in
C++ if you’d like (though the easiest thing to do would be to write in
C). If you’d rather, you can also write in Rust, Go, etc… as long as
it works with the tests scripts (which will call make
). I expect
most teams will write in C (I did while completing this project), and
if you choose to use another language I am not obligated to support
your learning it. If you want to be adventurous and choose another
(native) language, don’t let me stop you. Just make sure it works with
all of the tests.
Careful: don’t just start extending server.c
like you might be
tempted to. There is some advice at the end of this document that
details picking an HTTP library.
Server setup
Your server must run as a binary file named fs
. It must accept
two command-line arguments: the first is the port on which it will
server data. The second is the root directory from which it will serve
files. An example run of the server–and the one I will use in my
tests–looks like this:
./fs 8080 ./files secret_key
This will tell the server to start serving files from the files
directory on port 8080. Subsequently, I will refer to this
command-line argument as the “root directory.”
The goal of this project is to write a web server which serves files on a given port. Your server must accept four “verbs” in the HTTP protocol and behave as described in the following subparts. Note that in each of these subparts, the headline is only the verb, not the headers or body that follows it. If you’re stuck here, read about how HTTP works: it will be useful for you to know about anyway.
GET /path/to/file HTTP/1.1
The server must respond to HTTP GET
requests and return files in a
number of MIME types. To see an example of this, start the server like
./fs 8080 ./files secret-key
Now open a web browser and point it at localhost:8080
. You should
see a web page and a gif of a cat. Your job is to make sure that you
implement this HTTP request correctly (i.e., fixing all of the bugs
present in my implementation). You must also support more file types
than I am currently supporting: the MIME types need to be lined up
An example GET request looks like this:
GET /sample.pdf HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.18.4
The constraints for GET
are as follows:
[5 points] When the client (either a
user, a web browser, a Python script, etc..) issues aGET /path/to/file
command to your server, your server should respond by looking up the file<root-directory>/path/to/file
. -
[2 points] If the file exists, it must serve that file in a response and respond with a
200 OK
. -
[2 points] If the file does not exist, it must respond with a
404 Not Found
and list the file which was not found. -
[2 points] If the file exists, but is not world readable, your server must return a
403 Forbidden
. -
[2 points] If–in looking up the file–you encounter a file which is not world-executable, you must return a
403 Forbidden
. For example, say that there is a filefiles/myfolder/foo.txt
, and thatmyfolder
’s permissions are770
(i.e., readable, writable, and executable by user and group, but not readable, writable, or executable by anyone else) then you must return403
, even iffoo.txt
is world readable. -
[5 points] Your server must never allow any request for any file that is in any subdirectory of the root directory. For example, it had better not leak
(or something like that). -
[5 points] In the case that the user attempts to
a folder, the server must do something a bit special. It must return an HTML page that returns a list of links to files within the folder. For example, if the folder/path
contains the filesfoo
, it should return a page something like this
<li><a href="localhost:8080/path/foo">foo</a></li>
<li><a href="localhost:8080/path/bar">bar</a></li>
POST /path/to/file HTTP/1.1
To allow the user to upload files, your server will respond to a POST request. A POST request is an instruction that tells the server that the client wants to create something on the server. In this case, that will be a file.
Here’s an example of what a POST to our server looks like:
POST /examplepdf.pdf HTTP/1.1;
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.18.4
Content-Length: 54982
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=d6e135d1e0f243bf8a931baf7e3ae35e
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="sample.pdf"
6 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >>
8 0 obj
10 0 obj
<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >>
12 0 obj
(How to compile a texttt {.tex} file to a texttt {.pdf} file)
14 0 obj
[10 points]
POST /path/to/file
should accept multipart-encoded data. -
is a fairly flexible HTTP verb, allowing a very general interaction with the server. You don’t need to know everything about it to accomplish the tasks in this project, but reading about it might help make it more concrete. -
[2 points] Similarly to GET, POST must return a
if the request traverses into a folder that is not world-executable or tries to write a file that is not world writable. -
[2 points] POST should return
(invalid request) if the filename that the user tries to write is invalid. -
[5 points] In the case that the
tries to put the file in a folder that does not yet exist, the folder should be created. So, for example, if the clientPOST
s data to/path/to/file
and only the folderpath
exists, the folderto
should be created (as long aspath
is executable and writable).
PUT /path/to/file HTTP/1.1
[2 points] This should do the same thing as POST, except that in the
case the file does not yet exist it should return a 400
DELETE /path/to/file
[5 points] As long as the permissions are correct (i.e., the file does
not lie on a path wherein you traverse into a folder that isn’t
world-executable, and the ultimate file and folder are world
writable), the file will be deleted. Return 404
in the case the file
does not exist, or 403
in the case of a permissions violation.
Summary of commands
GET /path/to/file
Fetches a file, ensuring permissions are correct. Also note that for directories, GET will return an HTML page that gives links to the files contained within the directory. -
POST /path/to/file
Uploads a file, ensuring that permissions are correct and creating necessary subdirectories. Multipart-encoded form data must be supported. See the test
. -
PUT /path/to/file
Updates an already-existing file. -
DELETE /path/to/file
Deletes an existing file
Preventing External Traffic
This part is worth 5 points.
Your server is very vulnerable. You’ve now made something that allows anyone that can talk to your computer to be able to store and read files on it. This is certainly a bad idea. So you should turn it off.
Read this guide and figure out how to block incoming and outgoing
traffic to port 8080
(or whatever port you decide to use). (Note
that you might need to read other guides too, generally: google around
for how to do this.)
When you figure it out, write a shell script
that does
The reason this is important is that when we move on to the next part of the assignment you’ll write a chat server. Your chat server will eventually hook up to this server to store the files.
Denial-Of-Service (DOS) Prevention
This part is worth 6 points.
Right now, if I open up a telnet
connection to the server, the
server will be “tied up” in the sense that I can’t open up another
connection to the server in another terminal. This is bad: it means
that an attacker could take the server offline simply by taking too
long to complete their request.
You must figure out how to solve this problem. To do so, you should use either processes or threads to handle each incoming connection into the server. This will make your server a bit better. Of course, industrial-strength server setups also include a number of other network-based protection mechanisms (such as blocking whole swaths of IP ranges when they flood the server with too many requests).
Server tests and Example Implementation in Python
There are a few tests you can execute against your server. Be careful to modify the tests so that they point at the proper port.
Note that I am not giving you every single test I will use. This is by design. I have given you a specification I will use, and will test your submission using various combinations of this and the tool Postman.
You are required to write your own tests for this project, possibly in Python, shell scripts, etc.. While I will not explicitly grade these, I reserve the right to lower your grade if you don’t have at least a few tests for big features.
To give you an idea of how the assignment should work, I have written
an example implementation in Python. It is in the file
. I
recommend you look it over and try to see what it’s doing. Your
implementation should have a similar flavor. But it will probably be
quite a bit more work, since you’ll need to figure out which libraries
to use, and C is just going to be more verbose than Python no matter
Note that you’ll have to install a few python packages to use that
server. You’ll have to do a sudo pip install
to get them. I have a
that will do this.
Notes on Ethics and “realness”
You would not want to use this server in practice, because it’s just an HTTP server. In particular, anyone looking at your connection will be able to snoop all of the data you transfer (including the files). One way to fix this is to use HTTPS, which runs HTTP over SSL. This allows all of the communication with the server to be encrypted. Your server does not implement SSL/TLS. So if you want to use it to store files for the next part of the assignment, the smart thing to do is to wall off the port and use it only for local traffic.
Compiling Your Code
You might ask how you compile your code. This is your job to figure
out. I would most prefer it if you use a Makefile
. If you’re using
libraries, you better include them. Basically, I need to be able to
figure out how to build your code easily, and it is your job to figure
out how to do it. If in doubt, ask the people in the class that have
more experience with low-level programming. It is totally fine to
collaborate on things like Makefiles at any extent, as long as you
don’t collaborate on the main source files (outside of your group:
within your group do whatever you want).
Note: Deliverables will be accepted in no other format than those listed here. Specifically: if you write code that technically works, but does not fit the format the testing scripts expect, you will not receive points. Also note that no partial credit will be assigned throughout the course as a matter of policy, unless otherwise noted explicitly.
Part 0: Exploiting ASLR
- [ ]/5 The function
Part 1: Mounting a Ret-to-libc attack
- [ ]/10 The function
Part 2: Finding ROP gadgets
- [ ]/10 The file
Part 3: Launching the attack
- [ ]/10 The function
Part 4: ROP with Stack Protection
- [ ]/5 The file
and friends
Part 0: GET
[ ]/5 Basic file lookup
[ ]/2 If the file exists, it must serve that file in a response and respond with a
200 OK
. -
[ ]/2 If the file does not exist, it must respond with a
404 Not Found
and list the file which was not found. -
[ ]/2 If the file exists, but is not world readable, your server must return a
403 Forbidden
. -
[ ]/2 If–in looking up the file–you encounter a file which is not world-executable, you must return a
403 Forbidden
. For example, say that there is a filefiles/myfolder/foo.txt
, and thatmyfolder
’s permissions are770
(i.e., readable, writable, and executable by user and group, but not readable, writable, or executable by anyone else) then you must return403
, even iffoo.txt
is world readable. -
[ ]/5 Your server must never allow any request for any file that is in any subdirectory of the root directory. For example, it had better not leak
(or something like that). -
[ ]/5 In the case that the user attempts to
a folder, the server must do something a bit special. It must return an HTML page that returns a list of links to files within the folder. For example, if the folder/path
contains the filesfoo
, it should return a page something like this
Part 1: POST
[ ]/10
POST /path/to/file
should accept multipart-encoded data. -
[ ]/2 POST must return a
if the request traverses into a folder that is not world-executable or tries to write a file that is not world writable. -
[ ]/2 POST should return
(invalid request) if the filename that the user tries to write is invalid. -
[ ]/5 In the case that the
tries to put the file in a folder that does not yet exist, the folder should be created. So, for example, if the clientPOST
s data to/path/to/file
and only the folderpath
exists, the folderto
should be created (as long aspath
is executable and writable).
Part 2: PUT
- [ ]/2 This should do the same thing as POST, except that in the case
the file does not yet exist it should return a
Part 3: DELETE
- [ ]/5 Implementation of DELETE as described above.
Part 4: [ ]/5 Preventing External Traffic
Part 5: [ ]/6 DOS Protection
Total: [ ]/100
Personal Advice on Accomplishing this Project
With the proper selection of tools, this assignment should not be an overwhelming amount of work. In particular, avoid parsing HTTP manually: that’s error prone and it’s going to get complicated fast. You likely have not had extensive exposure to HTTP before this project, and possibly not extensive socket programming experience either. Because of that, make sure you start early. Budget time to learn about HTTP. Most of the time, the best way to figure things out is to start hacking on something.
Right now, the server is written to manually parse the HTTP request. In general, you shouldn’t do that: you’re going to expend a ton of time and effort and probably get it wrong. Instead, I recommend that you use a library that parses HTTP requests for you. Here are a few I think might help you:
Most of these parsers are callback-based: you set them up and they
call back a function whenever you’ve read all of the data. So–for
example–you can set them up to call one of your functions when
they’ve read all of the POST
request, and then you get a pointer to
it (and its length), which you can use to write it to a file.
Remember that the point of this project is to practice writing secure code. Using other people’s libraries can be helpful: if they’ve written code well, then it saves you time. But if you pull some random student’s HTTP parser off github and use it in your project, you should be mindful it might have bugs: these will come back to bite you (i.e., lower your grade) later in the “break it” phase of the final project when other students find bugs in the code you included. Therefore, make sure to read over the code you include.
Resources and Advice
- I recommend you read HTTP Made Really Easy
- You’ll also need to read about HTTP multipart POSTs: