Please read the section at the bottom of this guide if you get stuck. Frequently asked questions are answered there!

Caution! This code will be graded on the virtual machine for the course. Magic constants, like the position of the stack, are absolutely not portable across machines. Therefore, do your exploit-generation on the virtual machine for the course. No partial-credit will be given for solutions that work on your machine but not mine.

In this project you’ll perform a set of basic exploits against a file server. The file server we build in this project will store files for the chat server we eventually build. For this project, you’ll mostly be concerned with merely using and exploiting the server, you shouldn’t have to write large amounts of C code.

This portion of the project is individual work. During the course of this project you are allowed access to all online resources, but you are required to cite any resource that gave you any significant insight into the project, including conversations you had with your classmates. You will put these sources in within this folder.

Please respect the department’s collaboration policy. Specifically, you are not allowed to look at any other student’s code (or do anything equivalent, such as talking through your code on a line-by-line basis). You may discuss pseudo-code on the board, but afterwards you must erase it (so as to not let anyone else see it) and then cite your conversation with the other person in a comment in your code (and in the sources file).

If you get stuck, look at the hints / advice at the bottom of this guide.

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to teach you the following:

  • A refresher on C / assembly
  • An introduction to web protocols
  • Interacting with a server manually via telnet
  • Writing socket-based programs in Python
  • Use GDB and other debuggers to understand program code

You should first obtain the starter files for this project, perform a git clone of this project’s repository:

git clone

The file server is contained in a file server.c

Collaboration Policy

Specific examples that extend the collaboration policy for this lab:

  • It is okay to work through concepts on the board, but you may not give away any concrete addresses from the program (since finding these is part of the lab). Instead, use placeholder addresses when doing calculations with another student. E.g., you might say “Well, we realized that if the buffer is Y in length, and our shellcode is Z bytes long, we needed to insert X = Y-Z bytes of empty space after the shellcode”

  • Please discuss the tools you used with other students. For example, you may say “I used GDB’s layout asm to show the current instruction as I injected the shellcode.”

  • You may not look at another student’s screen or talk to someone at such a low level as to be looking at their screen in spirit.

Structure of the Server and telnet Tutorial

This assignment will have you launch an attack against a small server, which can serve–among other things–HTML and image files. The server is implemented in the file server.c.

This server is woefully incomplete: it only implements a very tiny part of the HTTP–the exchange-format used between web-browsers and servers. And yet this server still implements enough of HTTP to be able to display static content.

The word “server” is used all over the place in tech. For this assignment, a “server” means an application that can exchange data with a user on the other end of a communication channel (frequently called a “port”). You don’t need to understand networking to do this project, and you can largely follow this tutorial to complete the assignment.

Begin by building the server:

make fs

This command builds the version of the server with all of the fancy modern protection mechanisms enabled, so it won’t be susceptible to (as many of) the attacks we’ll launch in this assignment.

To run the server, type the following:

./fs "secret" "hello my message is here"

The server takes two arguments: the secret password, and a secret message. The server shouldn’t reveal this message to the user unless they send a command to the server to authenticate with the password (set on the command line here as secret).

Now the server should be running on port 5000. This means that it’s listening for connections. To talk to the server, you can use the telnet program. To do this:

telnet localhost 5000

The first command-line argument is the server to connect to. This could be a remote host, like, but in this case it’s going to be a special host named localhost, which is an alias for the IP address This is like talking to a remote machine, across the internet, except instead of talking to, you’re talking to a server running your local machine.

Once we’re connected, we can start sending the server commands:


When we type in “hello”, the server replies back with “Hello!.” The complete list of commands is documented below.

This server also supports a form of HTTP, which is a standard format (protocol) used to exchange data between your web browser and the server itself. Think of the web browser as doing this same stuff that you’re typing into telnet in a specific way, except that it’s doing it using a program. To see this, open a web browser (inside of the VM, using the user interface) and point the address address bar at localhost:5000. Like navigating to, the server sends the necessary commands to our server application to retrieve the page. You should be able to see the server application generating some logs as it does this, so you can see which files get requested.

You can generate this yourself, after you telnet to the address, type in the following:

Here’s the complete list of commands:

  • hello, replies back with Hello!
  • goodbye, terminates the connection
  • echo <text>, replies back with “Server is echoing: “ followed by
  • setmsg <msg>, sets a global variable in the server named special_message
  • getmsg, gets the special message set with setmsg
  • authenticate <tried_password>, authenticates the connection to with a password when <tried_password> matches the password set via command-line argument. Once the connection has been authenticated, it will reveal the “secret message”, which is also specified on the command line.
  • getsecret, gets the secret, assuming the connection has been authenticated
  • shell, starts a shell on the server, that can be typed into via the telnet connection (i.e., when you type into it, it’s actually a shell on the server).
  • get <URI> <http-version> GETs a resource using the HTTP protocol.

Here’s an example

authenticate secret
You are now authenticated
hello my message is here
echo Hi, my name is Charles!
Server is echoing: Hi, my name is Charles!
Here is a special message

More resources

I expect you to be able to pick up and read through server.c on your own, and this is specifically part of the project. A large part of security (and software-engineering at large) is figuring out other people’s code. So work through it, and when you get stuck, play around with telnet. When you get confused, insert logmsg or printf statements, or (better yet) walk through it in the debugger.

Notes on Safety, Ethics, and “Realness”

This server is written to be extremely insecure, and contains even more vulnerabilities than I discuss in this assignment. Running an insecure server is an easy way to get hacked, so system administrators typically use a firewall to keep you from opening up servers on random ports and putting them out on the internet. For example, we have a firewall at Haverford that stops the server under my desk from sending talking to the rest of the internet.

Finally, this part of the project is fairly unrealistic. I have added a ton of extra commands to the server to make it easier for you to understand and exploit. Exploiting a real web server would mean reading lots and lots of code to try to find a mistake. We will likely do that later in the course, but for now try not to worry too much about it. I’ve included the “GET” command in here to foreshadow the next part of the assignment: the group project involves collaboratively fleshing out the rest of this server and performing some attacks on it.

Part 0: Writing in C / Assembly, and using GDB

For this part of the project, you will write a function in C that finds the maximum value in a list.

The signature for the function:

// Max gives the max of `num_ints`
int max(int *ints, int num_ints);

Task 0a: Coding in C and Understanding Assembly

Write and test this function (and only this function, no main function)in a file named max.c. Then compile the function into assembly-language form using the following command:

gcc -S max.c 

The result will be a file, max.s, which contains the assembly-language code for the project.

Deliverable: the file max.s, with comments.

Comment the code with enough detail so that I can follow it along. For example, detail what each operation means, talks about where items will be laid out on the stack, what purpose each register serves, etc..

Then answer the following questions in this document (right here in the README):

Deliverable the questions here

Q1. Where is each of the arguments ints and num_ints passed (i.e., in which register, on the stack, etc..)

Q2. Describe in words or as an ASCII-art diagram, the stack layout at the invocation of the function max

Q3. Where is each local variable stored in the function, specifically in relation to the base pointer?

Task 0b: Using GDB

I have included a program, max_main.c, which will use your max.s file. To compile max_main.c in a way such that it can use your max.s code, first compile max.s from assembly to binary code:

gcc -c max.s

The -c tells gcc to compile the file to binary code, but not to link it. Linking is the process by which the compiler grabs up all of the different functions, including the main function, and splices them all together into a binary that you can actually run. But since max.s doesn’t have a main function, gcc can’t fully link it. Now you have a binary file max.o, which you can link with the main function in max_main.c. The following command compiles max_main.c and links it with max.o:

gcc max.o max_main.c -o max

The output is now a file you can run named max.

Read GDB’s documentation on the following commands:

  • The x command, which allows you to examine memory.

  • The layout <name> command, which allows you to interactively run the program

  • The print command, which allows you to print out values and memory.

  • The set command, which allows you to set memory.

  • The info command, and some of the things it can do (print stack frames / registers).

  • The break command, which allows you to set breakpoints.

Answer the following questions:

  • How would you find the address of a program variable named string?

  • How would you set the integer value stored at address 0x10000000 to the value 0x23?

  • How would you find out where the saved instruction pointer is stored?

  • How would you get GDB to disassemble the code starting at address %rip+200 and ending at %rip+400?

Part 1: Crash the Server

(From now on, make sure you use the ./fs_nsp_nnx executable. This is the one that is vulnerable. ./fs has full protection mechanisms turned on.)

Consider the handle_connection function inside of of the server executable. The local variables for handle_connection will be laid out on the stack in order. The variable string is a fixed-length buffer, into which (because of the way the program is written) you can write more than 100 bytes. This opens up the possibility for a stack-smashing attack.

When you get done, it should look like this:

Got a connection on port 5000, handling now.
Received some data!
echo <more stuff here>
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Task 1a: Drawing the Stack

Deliverable: Draw handler_connection’s stack right after the line that checks prefix("hello",buffer). You can do this on a piece of paper or in digitized form. Whatever you do, digitize it (either by taking a picture with your phone, scanner, etc..) and submit it as stack-inside-echo.<png/jpg>. I highly suggest you reconstruct this using GDB.

Your image must include all of the relevant local variables for handle_connection at that point, and must show (at least) the position of the saved instruction pointer %rip.

Bonus points: You will get +1 bonus points if you can generate this image using gdb. However, you must make gdb print out enough of the stack to show the saved base pointer and return address.

Hints on this part

Consider using the following GDB commands:

  • info frame
  • info locals
  • print <address-in-hex>
  • print $rsp / etc.. (for registers)
  • x/20xb <address> / x/20xb $rsp / etc..
    • This says print the next 20 bytes starting at <address>, print them in hex (that’s what the x after 20 means), print them one byte at a time (that’s what the b means).

Remember the stack grows down!

Task 1b: Smashing the Stack

This program is insecure because it has a stupidly-obvious buffer overflow attack: the variable string in handle_connection is a buffer of size 100, but inputs of up to 1024 can be read into the larger (global) buffer variable. Figure out an input that could be sent to the server that would cause the return instruction pointer to be overwritten, so that–upon returning from handle_connection, the program would go to a nonsense location and the program would crash. (FYI: the reason why it would crash is that control flow would wander into an unmapped page, generating a segmentation fault.)

Once you figure it out, run the server with the following parameters:

./server mypassword message

And then in another terminal telnet into the server to perform your attack.

There’s one trickery here: after sending the echo command, the server will keep accepting input. Part of the assignment is to figure out how to handle that (it’s not hard once you step back and look at all of the available commands).

Attach the output of the server here (showing that it crashes):

Deliverable: Copy and paste server output into 1b_server.txt

Deliverable: Copy and paste telnet input / output into 1b_telnet.txt

Part 2: Scripting the Attack

Attacks can be complicated. You don’t want to have to literally sit and type your exploit into telnet. Especially as your attack gets more and more complicated. Instead, you’d like to use a higher-level language to script the attack. What’s more, sometimes we will need to generate binary data that’s not easy to type out in ASCII. Python will let us construct those payloads programmatically. For this and the next project, we’re going to write these scripts ourselves.

I’ve included a simple script,

Script your attack in the function crash_server. You might think to use the following Python socket functions:

Among the others listed there. I encourage you to read a good amount of that page. For example, you could write s.send("echo hello") to send “echo hello” to the server. Note that the Python API takes care of some of the ceremony of doing things like writing the length.

Deliverable: the Python function crash_server inside, which crashes the server.

Hints on this part

One common scenario when writing exploit payloads is that we find ourselves writing some number of uninteresting bytes followed by (e.g.,) an address that you’d like to smash into %rip. This is because–to exploit a buffer overflow–we have to fill up the whole buffer. In these scenarios, it’s common to use a script to construct the payload. For example, you could write a script in Python to insert 25 As before the ultimate bytes 0x23, 0x42 0x43 0x22 (which might be the address you want to inject, etc..).

  • send expects a byte string as argument. To turn a Python string into an array of bytes, use the following: "echo ".encode().

  • If you want to represent a single byte, use b’\x23’, which represents the single byte containing the hex value 0x23.

  • For example, if you wanted to write the string containing the bytes 0x23, 0x24, 0x57, and 0x42, in that order, you could write b’\x2e\x24\x57\x42’

  • You will probably want to want combine the string “echo “ with a sequence of bytes. To do this, you can simply add them together (since Python’s add is overloaded): “echo “.encode() + b’\x41’ * 23 generates the ASCII for “echo “ (note the space), followed by the letter ‘A’ (ASCII-encoded) 23 times.

Part 3: Owning Control Flow

Craft an exploit that will force the program to print out “Hello, world!\n”. To do this, follow the same technique you did in parts 1 and 2, but instead of making %rip become some nonsense value, make it the address of the function hello_world. That way, when the program returns from handle_connection, it will then go to hello_world instead.

Deliverable: write your exploit inside of the Python function hello_world.


  • It is totally okay if the server crashes after printing “Hello, world!”

When you get done, the server should do something like this:

Hello, world!
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Hints on this part

Use GDB to manually figure out how to redirect control flow at first. This helps you get a feel for where things should be in memory, and you can draw them out on a whiteboard or on paper as you use GDB. It also helps you debug your exploit as you develop it.

For example, here’s one run of the program where I tell GDB to show me what the contents of memory are around the current stack pointer (which I got via info register esp).

The first thing I do is to ask where the current saved RIP is stored:

(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7fff5fbff4e0:
 rip = 0x100000e04 in foo; saved rip = 0x1500e0000
 called by frame at 0x7fff5fbff4e8
 Arglist at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, args:
 Locals at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fff5fbff4e0
 Saved registers:
  rbp at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, rip at 0x7fff5fbff4d8

It tells us that the saved RIP is at 0x1500e0000. This is the address we want to overwrite. Let’s find out where helloWorld is located:

(gdb) info address hello_world
Symbol "hello_world" is at 0x100000e50 in a file compiled without debugging.

So we need to set the RIP to point to that address:

(gdb) set *(0x7fff5fbff4d8) = 0x100000e50

Now, let’s check that I got it right (I didn’t the first few times I did this..):

(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7fff5fbff4e0:
 rip = 0x100000e04 in foo; saved rip = 0x100000e50
 called by frame at 0x7fff5fbff510
 Arglist at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, args:
 Locals at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fff5fbff4e0
 Saved registers:
  rbp at 0x7fff5fbff4d0, rip at 0x7fff5fbff4d8
(gdb) info address helloWorld
Symbol "helloWorld" is at 0x100000e50 in a file compiled without debugging.

Finally, let’s run it:

(gdb) continue
Successfully copied the input!
Hello, world!

Now, your job is to create a payload that does this!


  • Remember, you’re on a little-endian machine. So if I give you the number 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF, it will be represented as 0xEFBEADDEFEBEADDE.

  • The stack grows down!

Part 4: Executing Shellcode

Now you can control control-flow. Great. But say you want to run your own code. To do this, you need to inject some assembly code into your program, and then have %rip jump to the shellcode.

Your task in this part is to inject the shellcode into the program (via the buffer overflow) and then jump to it. I have included a sample shellcode in the file shellcode.c (its assembly is given, too).

For this part, do something like this:

echo … a: shellcode here … smashed-rip-address

Think about where the shellcode will be placed in memory (using GDB if you need), and make %rip navigate to that point in memory, thereby executing the shell.

Deliverable: write your shellcode injection in the Python function inject_execute_shellcode

Tip on This Part

You’re going to want to place your shellcode somewhere inside the buffer, and then smash the stack so that control flows back to wherever you placed that shellcode. Therefore, you need to figure out the position of the string variable. You can do this by attaching GDB to a running process: start up the server in one console window, and then in another type ps -a | grep fs_nsp_nnx. Look at the number in the first column. Then do sudo gdp -p <number> (enter testvm for the password). This will let you debug the server as it runs. You can then set a breakpoint inside of handle_connection and print out the location of the variable string.

(Bonus: Shellcoding) Part 5: Leak the Secret from the Server

Note: This problem has been changed to bonus work. It is now worth +2% bonus.

The server implements some code to check that the user types in a proper authenticate command before allowing the secret message to be retrieved. E.g., if I simply telnet into the server and then type in getsecret I get the message: “You are not authenticated right now, first use the authenticate command.”

Your job in this part is to figure out how to get the server to give me the secret message without typing in the password.

You may discuss how to do this part with others at a high level.

Deliverable: the function print_secret, which prints the secret message from the server.

Hints on this part

This part requires injecting some of your own shellcode that writes a nonzero value to the address of is_authenticated.

Part 6: Protecting Against the Attacks

The reason we were able to launch all of these attacks is due to the buffer overflow exploit in handle_connection. Modify server.c so that this attack goes away.

Deliverable: the file server_fixed.c, which is not susceptible to the same attacks given in parts 2 through 5.

Challenge Problem: Reverse Engineering (**)

This problem is worth +3% bonus.

I have included a program, challenge.o, in binary-only form. Your job is to figure out how to run it in a way that causes it to print out “Hello, world!\n”. The program has been compiled without stack protection and will be run with ASLR disabled. You must show me the command-line arguments I can use to get it to work. But you must also show your work and tell me how you got there. Solutions that technically work but aren’t explained will receive no credit.

This challenge problem is 2/3 stars, meaning it’s quite difficult, but not impossible. The task itself isn’t really any different than what you’ve done in this assignment. The main challenge is that you don’t have the code.

Hint: Use the debugger for interactive disassembly of this program. This will also help you figure out what address to target. Use a disassembler or reverse engineering toolkit.

Deliverable: bonus.txt, which describes the techniques and shows how to run the program to get it to print “Hello, world!”

Challenge problem: Other Bugs and Exploits (*)

Find any other bugs in this program that could lead to a security vulnerability: information-disclosure, denial-of-service, code-injection, etc.. This program has a good number of them.

You can receive a maximum of 2% extra credit on this part. .5% for each vulnerability. However, I am the final arbiter of what constitutes a security vulnerability versus just a bug (that isn’t a vulnerability) and my decisions are final.

Deliverable: other_bugs.txt, which describes any other bugs you find.


Note: Deliverables will be accepted in no other format than those listed here. Specifically: if you write code that technically works, but does not fit the format the testing scripts expect, you will not receive points. Also note that no partial credit will be assigned throughout the course as a matter of policy, unless otherwise noted explicitly.

Part 0: Writing in C / Assembly, and using GDB

  • [ ]/5 max.s, with comments
  • [ ]/5 Questions about GDB

Part 1: Crash the server

  • [ ]/5 stack-inside-echo.<png/jpg>
  • [ ]/5 1b_server_output.txt and 1b_telnet.txt

Part 2: Scripting the attack

  • [ ]/10 the function crash_server

Part 3: Owning control flow

  • [ ]/10 the function hello_world

Part 4: Executing shellcode

  • [ ]/10 the function inject_execute_shellcode

Part 6: Protecting against the attacks

  • [ ]/10 the file server_fixed.c, which is not susceptible to the attacks in parts 2-5.

Total: [ ]/50

Bonus parts:

  • [ ]/+3% Reverse engineering
  • [ ]/+2% Part 5: Leak the secret from the server
  • [ ]/+2% Other bugs and exploits you found in the server

Constraints and Advice (Read This if you Get Confused)

The solution to this project doesn’t involve very much code. But it’s still tricky. You have to carefully think about the location of variables as they get placed in the stack, heap, etc.. As you work through this project, it’s crucial to understand the layout of the program (stack, heap, instructions, etc..). When I wrote out the solutions to this project, I did so using both my whiteboard and GDB (attached to the process).

  • When you develop your exploits, use the vulnerable executable ./fs_nsp_nnx. This is the one that has all of the traditional protection mechanisms (NX, stack canaries) turned off. Trying to exploit ./fs will kill your program.

  • Make sure to turn off ASLR on your VM. My grading scripts will do so as well.

  • Do not call your program with any command-line arguments. My scripts will not do so and doing so will change your environment variables so that exploits are harder to make work (command-line arguments are stack allocated).

  • Make sure you attach GDB to the running process rather than using GDB directly. See this SO post for details.

  • The program will not work when environment variables change, or if command-line arguments are passed in. I will not change the environment variables when running your program, and will not pass in any additional command-line arguments. We will see how to deal with this in subsequent lectures.

  • Do not modify server.c, you risk addresses of functions being different. For part six, make a copy (as stated in that part).

  • When trying to determine the locations of variables, be sure that you connect GDB to a running process. If you run the app under GDB, the location of the stack will be different because environment variable differences between GDB and the running process. See this page for details:


  • Use the program objdump, which will help you disassemble the file. For example, if you run objdump -S fs_nsp_nnx >out, you can then open up the file out and find out where handle_connection is written to examine its source.

  • (Hex to decimal calculator, useful for calculating ranges of things)

  • (How to modify memory using GDB)

  • (How to print memory using GDB)